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Buyer's Guide

What period products are there ?


There are so many different period products out there, so at Metta and Me, we have tried to hand pick some of the best options available, including sanitary pads, tampons, period pants, and menstrual cups.

Our mission is to source sustainable, body and planet friendly products to support you through your time of the month.

Using these eco-friendly options, you can feel good about reducing your impact on the world around us, without sacrificing your comfort or reliability.



Are period pants good?

Absolutely, yes... From personal experience and use, they have transformed our period experiences, and after initial cost, have saved money too.


  • So what are period pants and how do they work?


Period pants are pants with special absorbent layers added. Depending on your flow, they can absorb up to 3 tampons.


WUKA offer 12 hour odour free pants, with three magical layers. The top layer wicks away moisture fast to make you feel dry, the middle layer absorbs and locks in blood. The anti leak proof layers are breathable which reduce smells and build up of bacteria. â€‹



  • How to care for your period pants?



Wear up to 12 hours, rinse in cold water and wash up to 40 degrees. Dry inside out (we have accidentally slipped them in the tumble drier, and they survived )


We have worn them through all stages of the cycle at Metta & Me, even with heavy clots. They have become a game changer and we can not do without them now.

Completely reusable, reduces smells and provides a reliable, leak free solution. If you are unsure and are heading out for a long day, we highly recommend popping on a (Plastic free) pad as well in the morning for extra protection. You can dispose of your pad and wear your pant for the rest of the day.

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Can period products cause thrush (yeast infections)?

Yes they can!

Changes in oestrogen and vulva PH occur with monthly bleeding, which can cause an in-balance in your body.

But perhaps the main reason is the plastic filled sanitary items which increase bacteria and yeast in the vulva and vaginal area. The majority of sanitary products available are 90% plastic and filled with toxic chemicals too.


There is however, something we can do to help combat infection and reduce and remove smells which are associated with the time of the month. The smell is bacteria caused by the inability for our bodies and intimate areas to breathe, due to high plastic content. 


So, what can we do? We can use plastic free sanitary items, rich with cotton or bamboo as well as plastic free period pants. This way, we can support our bodies against thrush, yeast infection and not to mention the huge environmental impact we can have to reduce the estimated 2 billion menstrual items flushed down the loo each year -  but more on the environmental impact in our blog, coming soon.


Thank goodness, Metta & Me have selected some great solutions for you to try - check out Period Products

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